Carroll Odyssey ofbrthe Mind Teams Advance to Finals
More than a handful of Carroll ISD Odyssey of the Mind teamsbradvanced to the World Finals at Iowa State University. The tournament was heldbrin Houston with more than 140 teams competing, including 13 teams from CarrollbrISD. All 13 teams proudly represented CISD in four Problems in all three agebrdivisions. Of the six teams at the World Finals, two are state champions inbrtheir Problem/Division, and one received the Renatra Fusca Award, which is thebrhighest award in the program and given for exceptional creativity. DurhambrIntermediate School took home first place in Classics Problem.
Durham IntermediatebrSchool Impacts Families Around the Globe
The fifth grade Social Studies team at Durham IntermediatebrSchool is assisting global families with their involvement with Kiva, whichbrallows people to make small loans to individuals or groups. DIS received abrgrant allowing it to make 45 loans, totaling $1,125 in 20 different countries.brThis project continues to raise social and global awareness for DIS students bybrexpanding the classroom discussion on geography, world culture, current eventsbrand economics. The goal is to introduce students to real world money managementbrand give them a greater understanding of various cultures.
CSHS History TeacherbrEarns State Award
Both the Daughters of Colonial Wars State of Texas and thebrDaughters of the American Revolution Southlake Chapter named John Irish U.S.brHistory Teacher of the Year. To recognize Irish's achievements, Carroll ISDbrSuperintendent Dr. David Faltys presented him with a special certificate onbrbehalf of the district. Each year, the Texas State Society Daughters ofbrColonial Wars selects one elementary, secondary, intermediate, high school andbrcollege educator to be named outstanding American History teacher. The awardbrrecognizes teachers who encourage patriotism and interest in American heritage tobrhonor the study of American history.
Carroll Lady DragonbrGolfers Head to State
The Carroll Lady Dragon golfers added another team bound forbrAustin and the Class 5A state tournament. Carroll finished second overall atbrthe Region I meet on Thursday and qualified for the state meet. The team shotbr303 and 313 for a 616 total. Leah Meza and Adriana Morillo led the Lady Dragons'brteam. Both showed a two-day total of 150. Ellie Youree shot 157, Allison Alonzobrfinished at 159, and Lexi Smith shot 185.
GCISD Searches forbrNew Instructional Leader
GCISD high school principal and district administrator JerrybrHollingsworth is leaving the school district after nine years to pursue abrcareer as the new associate superintendent of educational operations inbrBurleson ISD. He will finish out the school year in GCISD. Hollingsworth joinedbrGCISD in August 2005 as principal at Grapevine High School. In September 2011,brhe received the opportunity to expand his role in the district by serving asbrexecutive director of instructional leadership. In this role, he oversees andbrsupports instructional programs at the middle and high schools. Districtbrleaders will immediately begin the process of finding the best candidate tobrcontinue the work of this important role in GCISD.
GCISD Names HeadbrFootball Coach
The GCISD Board of Trustees named Randy A. Jackson as thebrhead football coach of Grapevine High School. Jackson comes to the districtbrwith 24 years of education experience; he served 14 of those years as PlanobrEast High School's head football coach. Prior to his role at Plano East,brJackson served as head football coach at Mesquite Poteet High School for threebryears and head football coach at Lone Oak High School for six years. InbrJackson's 14 years as a head football coach, he has seen 119 wins against 51brlosses. In 2010, Jackson earned five Coach of the Year awards from variousbrorganizations: Texas Sportswriters, DallasbrMorning News, National Football Federation, The Old Coach website andbrDistrict 15AAAA.
74 Keller ISDbrAthletes Compete in Special Olympics Track Meet
Keller ISD athletes competed at the Special Olympics track meetbrat the University of Arlington, earning a total of 165 medals and ribbons,brincluding 40 gold, 39 silver and 37 bronze. Ten student-athletes from KellerbrHigh School took home awards in events such as shot put, softball throw andbrgirls relay.
David Park Named 2014brInductee to Keller Athletics Hall of Fame
Keller ISD Athletics Department named former Keller HighbrSchool cross-country and track coach David Park as the 2014 inductee of itsbrAthletics Hall of Fame. For 21 years, Park coached in Keller ISD and was thebrhead coach of the cross-country and track and field programs for 14 years. Withbrhis induction, Park becomes the 10th Keller ISD coach to be welcomedbrinto the Athletics Hall of Fame, joining the likes of A.K. Thetford, Bill Kiddbrand John Price. In the first 30 years of his coaching career, Park’s teams havebramassed 32 district championships between cross-country and track and field, 14brof which came while he was at Keller High School. He has also seen 33 of hisbrcross-country teams qualify for regionals and 15 of those qualify forbrstate.
Carroll SeniorbrBecomes U.S Presidential Scholar Semifinalist
Carroll Senior High School student Djorn Patel was named abrsemifinalist in the 2014 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. Patel is the sonbrof Paresh and Trusa Patel. Patel was one of 565 students selected from morebrthan 4,000 candidates on the basis of superior achievements, leadershipbrqualities, personal character and involvement in community and school activities.brHe is Carroll ISD's first-ever U.S. Presidential Scholar semifinalist. Scholarsbrwill be invited to Washington, D.C. this month to receive the U.S. PresidentialbrScholars medallion at a recognition ceremony and to participate in variousbractivities and events held in their honor.
Carroll ChoirbrReceives Perfect UIL Scores
All four Carroll Senior High School choirs that competed atbrUIL this year received perfect concert scores. Three of those choirs receivedbrSweepstakes Awards, receiving superior ratings in Concert and Sight-reading.brAccording to Carroll ISD Choir Director Marla Ringel and Associate DirectorbrBradley Kerley, not only did the students perform beautifully, but they alsobrrepresented Carroll Senior High very well with their behavior and professionalbrdemeanor.
GCISD Students TakebrHome Top Honors
More than 20 GCISD students won top honors at the TexasbrFuture Problem Solving State Competition. Five of these students will bebrrepresenting Texas at the International Future Problem Solving Competition Junebr12-15, held this year at Iowa State University. Winning first place andbradvancing to the International Competition in Global Issues Problem Solving isbrthe team of Kayla Mock, Sierra Scott, Abby Tisdale and Andrew Wroble frombrGrapevine High School. These students are coached by Karen Moxley and competedbrin the senior division of Global Issues, grades 10-12. All four team membersbrare seniors at GHS and have been competing in Future Problem Solving since theybrwere in sixth grade. They attended the International FPS Competition as sixth gradebrstudents and will go again as high school seniors.
Colleyville MombrBecomes Texas Young Mother of the Year
Jessica Merrifield received the annual title of Texas YoungbrMother of the Year from the Texas chapter of American Mothers Inc. Herbrrecommendation puts her up for a possible spot of national recognition.brMerrifield spends her time with the children who always remind her that she'sbrdoing a great job as a parent. Merrifield's friend Jennifer Larson recommendedbrthat she apply for the recognition.
Southlake AppointsbrCommunity Engagement Committee
Southlake City Council approved the appointmentbrof seven residents to the community engagement committee, which advises thebrcouncil on issues involving the community and outreach programs. The followingbrSouthlake residents were chosen for the committee: Sherry Berman,brCraig Rothmeier, Randy Robbins, Ben Siebach, David Alexander, BobbiebrHeller and Monique Schill. The council discussed the applicants and whatbreach one might bring to the table, including their contributions to thebrcity and what boards the individuals already serve on.