Phase One of Park Village development.
Commuters and motorists traveling down S. Carroll Avenue andbrSouthlake Boulevard will notice the large amount of new construction happeningbrat this intersection.
The new wave of construction taking place at this intersectionbrwill become home to a new, 185,000 square foot shopping center called ParkbrVillage.
The newestbrdevelopment underway in Southlake means news jobs and a thriving economybrfor the city. However, with new businesses means a temporary inconvenience duebrto construction activity.
The project will consist of more than 190,000 square feetbrand will sit on 22 acres of land.
Various restaurantsbrand businesses are setting up shop in Park Village, including Luna Grill,brMesa Veracruz Coastal Cuisine, Modmarket, Potbelly and the Lash Lounge.
Keeping in line with the Park Village theme of healthybrliving, Modmarket willbrprovide fresh, healthy eats at a cost-effective price.
Consequently, drivers should be aware of the upcoming constructionbron S. Carroll Avenue, according to
Beginning this week, the Park Village contractor will beginbrPhase 1 of a two-phase project meant to aide in the preparation of ParkbrVillages' scheduled fall opening. Construction on both phases is expected tobrlast for 60 days.
Both phases will include the widening of Carroll Avenuebralong the Park Village frontage, as well as the construction of a decelerationbrlane for the main drive into the development as well as center medianbrimprovements.
To maintain traffic flow through the construction area,brtraffic will be shifted so that drivers will have access to one northbound lanebrand two southbound lanes of S. Carroll Avenue.
As a result, delays are expected once the traffic switch goesbrinto motion. The city is advising that motorists seek alternative routes whenbrpossible.