Paul Venesky, Senior High Band, President
I joined the band because: When I was younger, Ibralways saw how much fun the band was having in the bleachers and I knew Ibrwanted to be a part of that.
Why do you have Dragon Pride? Carroll is always outstanding in academics, athletics, andbrarts, and the people here make Southlake an awesome community.
What is your Pre-game ritual? Eating dinner with the drumline before the band leaves to gobrto the game.
In one word Dragon Football is: Epic.
Favorite Classes in school: Other than band classes I like Physics and American Studies.
Future Plans: I plan to attend Texas A&M and major in Engineering.
Can be heard on the sidelines saying: "With Pride!"
Can be seen on the sidelines: Playing the drums and dancing to stand tunes.
Favorite Dragon Item you own: My Dragon Band car decal.