Photo Courtesy of Rex Teter.
Season Update
22-3 (8-2)
With a 22-3 (8-2) record, head coach Larry Hughes' baseballbrteam has been ranked as high as No. 1 in the state and No. 4 in the nationalbrpolls behind its high-powered offense and stinging pitching staff. With only abrpair of losses in two close games, including a one run heartbreaker against abrvery good Weatherford team in the Arlington Heights Classic, the Dragons havebrstarted the 2014 season right where they left off in 2013.
Facing a number of tests early onbrthis season, the Dragons have been up for the challenge, going undefeated inbrtwo of its three tournaments. They also won the Round Rock Hardball Classic andbrMid Cities tournament and were within one run of winning the Arlington HeightsbrClassic.
With early district wins over 4-5Abrfoes Keller Central, Timber Creek and Richland, the Dragons have gotten off tobra hot start as they look to repeat as district champions. Standing in their waybratop the district is 5-0 Keller Fossil Ridge, whom the Dragons will face twobrmore times before the season’s end. With the first half of the regular seasonbrin the books, Southlake Carroll will rely on returning All-District pitchersbrJoe Heineman and Ben Leeper and All-District outfielder Drew Brown.
About the team
With nine returning starters from last year's 34-6-1 (13-1)brsquad — which was stopped short of a state championship by powerhouse ArlingtonbrMartin in the regional semifinals — the 2014 Southlake Carroll baseball teambrfeels there is some unfinished business to attend to. In addition to threebrreturning All-District performers, the team has plenty of senior leadershipbrfrom returning starters Barry Casey (1B), Ryan Wiegel (OF), Keaton Duhon (OF)brand Garrett Hale (1B).
The Dragon pitching staff has beenbrexceptional this season, throwing eight shutouts and giving up only 30 runs inbr20 games. Led by senior pitcher and Stanford commit Ben Leeper, whose 5-0brrecord and 1.47 ERA leads the Dragons, the pitching staff has been unstoppable,brcausing major problems for opposing bats. Accompanying Leeper on Hughes' staff arebrjunior pitcher Kevin Cramer and seniors Joe Heineman and Garret Hale. Hale, whobralso leads the team in homeruns (two), and batting average (.417), has been abrkey member of the pitching staff, posting an ERA of .778 in 18 innings pitched.brA two-sport athlete along with Hale, Heineman has been an ace this year,brboasting a 5-0 record along with a miniscule ERA of 0.452. Cramer, the youngestbrof the quartet, posts a 3-0 record to go along with a stellar 1.71 ERA.
Averaging just over six runs perbrgame, the Dragon bats have showcased victory margins rivaling football scores. Nebraskabrfootball commit Drew Brown helps power the team as its RBI leader (19), whilebrjunior outfielder Eric Cole's .410 batting average provides another potentbrweapon — he can generate runs in a hurry. With explosive hitting and a dominantbrpitching staff, the sky is the limit for this year's team.
“Our goal is to win the state championship. That is thebrexpectation. We work every day to be better at practice and individually. We putbrit all together out on the field, and hopefully it's enough.”
Head coach: Larry Hughes
Assistant coaches: Austin Cranford, Larry Vucan