You never know where you'll hear someone's story that inspires. For me, this happened to be at a Southlake Style social gathering just a month ago.
I happen to be a sucker for stories wherebrthe narrator explains how they worked in a job they hated, but felt tethered tobrit because of money, responsibility and fear, then somehow managed to gain thebrcourage and confidence to quit and start a new life doing what they love. Andbrhow the happiness they feel in their life now makes them only wish they wouldbrhave taken the leap sooner.
They speak of fearbrand overwhelming uncertainty and that they even get a little scaredbrnow, but the feeling they get from living from their heart propels thembrforward.
This new entrepreneur spoke ofbrtrading in her corporate job to make chocolates instead – something she hasbralways loved to do and had been doing as a hobby until she finally got thebrcourage to make it her full time gig. While she was telling me her storybrall I could see was her beaming smile. Her happiness was contagious. And Ibrcouldn't stop thinking that this is what it's all about – doing what we love.
Trading in Paralyzing FearbrFor Powerful Change
What we should do can paralyzebrus and keep us so stuck that we tune out what we feel is truly right forbrus. That inner voice that says there is more than this, or that living thebrstatus quo isn't satisfying anymore. Those hidden secrets we keep of things webrwould rather do, but feel awkward letting anyone in on them because we arebradults now and change doesn't come easily.
But what if we changed our viewbrof change? Life isn't static, so expecting it to stay the same feelsbrheavy and constricting. Life will give us little (and big) bumps along the way,brand holding on to what we know may seem like the best way to cope, butbrsometimes it's those bumps that help us take a new path.
When we acknowledge and receivebrthe notions we have, we give ourselves more confidence to accept our truebrdesires to make a change. Instead of pushing away what we really want, invitebrit to come in. It's in that moment that you open yourself up to a world thatbrwill begin to conspire to help you in so many different ways. The perfectbrteacher could appear, or workshops or book, opportunities, people with similarbrideas and desires, and your very own inspiration can begin to flow.
It's Time to Daydream, Baby
What is it that you secretlybrwould like to do? Is it a new job or career, or even picking up a new hobby?brMake a list of what your dream life looks like. Let your heart speak to you. Ibrhighly recommend getting outside, alone with a notepad and pen (leave yourbrphone and laptop behind!) and letting your imagination take youbraway. Notice the change you feel in your body when you dream up yourbrdream life.
And then begin. Begin bybrfeeling what it would feel like to be living that life. Take baby steps, butbrstart. Every single step counts. Once you get that momentum going, there willbrbe no stopping you.
These are all things easier saidbrthan done, but what will be more difficult many years from now is accepting thebrfact that you didn't try.
Get a little scared, face thebrfear, it's good for us to step into what's uncomfortable - it brings lifebrto opportunities. Besides, you have nothing to lose. As the saying goes, no onebris getting out of here alive.
What about you? Do these wordsbrhelp or inspire? What's on your list or how has change worked in your favor?brShare you comments below.
Lots of love,
Danielle Vaughn is a life coach, speaker, yoga teacher and blogger for the Huffington Post and Elephant Journal. She lives in Southlake with her husband, three daughters and two playful rescue dogs. When not in Southlake, Danielle loves traveling and taking in the sights, sounds and tastes the world has to offer. Coaching clients and hosting workshops in Southlake, Danielle is passionate about helping others navigate through life's circumstances and uncover a life full of purpose, joy and love. You can find out more about Danielle and read her blog at