Cecilia, also known as “Lucky” our Whole Foods MarketbrColleyville Bakery team leader has been with us for over 5 years. She startedbrin the Northeast region and moved to Texas several years ago. We are featuringbrour guest's favorite, Berry Chantilly Cake. Lucky's commitment to our guests isbrunsurpassed. We bake our products usingbronly the freshest ingredients each and every day. At Whole Foods Market, use only cage-free eggs, unbleached,brunbromated flour, plant-based coloring, and no synthetic growth hormones in ourbrbutter or cream. We offer custom cakes, special diet requests, freebrinscriptions and so much more. Just ask!
My name is Matt Molesworth and I am the chef at WildwoodbrGrill. I have been working in the
kitchen since I was 16 years old starting inbrthe culinary program in Wylie High School. I thoroughly enjoyed myself whichbrled me to Dave Garner who was opening a Fish City Grill close by. I dove in andbrhaven't looked back working with him for over 10 years now. We have beenbrworking together at Wildwood for several years now to elevate the experiencebrand keep our customers coming back for more. I am happy to continue to learnbrfrom those who I work with to expand my knowledge and creativity. Food isbramazing like that!