Regular maintenance of spinal health can help defend against dramatic and unforeseen injuries.
Family Health with Dr. Jerrod Wright, 180 Wellness
Healthcare as we know it seems to have lost itsbrway. Across the board, correctly diagnosing a patient and prescribing the rightbrtreatment plan has become paramount to ensuring the best patient outcomes. If abrpatient doesn't respond to care, many in the medical field assume he or she hasbrthe wrong genetic makeup. All too often, doctors fail to look at the individual'sbrlifestyle, which can involve many different health-related factors ranging frombrdiet and exercise to how much stress they face on a daily basis.
Let's say your body is a house, and your house isbron fire. Of course, you'd call the fire department. They have axes, water hoses,brladders — all the tools needed to put out the fire. But what comes next? Do youbrkeep calling the fire department every time there's a fire, or do you try to identifybrthe causes of the fires and prevent them altogether? Most would chose thebrlatter, calling a contractor to help address the underlying issues.
When your body is suffering from a fire of symptomsbrdue to illness or injury, of course you call the fire department. Acutebrhealthcare — responding to illness once the symptoms are present — makes sense.brBut perhaps you should also contact a building contractor, a lifestyle coach,brto advise on quality healthcare through preventative maintenance. Once you arebrout of crisis mode, it makes much more sense to focus on prevention through abrhealthy and proper lifestyle than to continue along the path fixing only whatbris on fire.
In acute situations our healthcare system is handsbrdown the best to treat illness, but in rebuilding and prevention it fails tobroffer adequate tools. What do we do when we have a child who is so obese thebrnurses can't even lift him on to the table? We should be discussing lifestylebrchanges, rather than buying expensive equipment to lift him up to the table. Poorbrlifestyle choices are what generally lead us all to the point of crisis.
A lifestyle coach who can offer a comprehensivebrassessment of your health and lifestyle will be able to provide practicalbreveryday changes to help rebuild and maintain the home that is your body. Thisbrmay involve dietary changes, chiropractic adjustments and the incorporation ofbrdaily stretching and exercise. Many overlook chiropractic care, which is notbrcovered by most medical insurances, but just like your home, regularbrmaintenance of spinal heath can help defend against dramatic and unforeseen injuries.
Just like you pay to preserve your home, your bodybrshould receive the same level of proactive attention. Maintaining proper healthbrwill keep your body in the very best shape, and in the long run, save you frombrfuture medical expenses and unforeseen and potentially deadly illness and injury.
So ask yourself, “Is there more long-term benefitbrfrom continually calling the fire department or a visit from a contractor?” Addingbra professional who is trained in the areas of lifestyle enhancement can only improvebryour life. You owe it to yourself and your family to live the happiest,brhealthiest life you can.
Dr. Wright is a graduate ofbrParker College of Chiropractic (DC) and Southwest Texas State University (BS) andbrhas been in practice in Southlake since 1996. In addition to his practice 180brWellness, he currently serves as team chiropractor to the Texas Rangers.