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By Dr. JoshbrPrickett, Medical Director, North Tarrant E-Care EmergencybrCenter
Pelvic pain in women canbrhave several causes, and many times can be the result of multiplebrconditions occurring simultaneously.brThese are some of the more common reasons that pelvic pain happens and how yourbrdoctor can help treat it.
This condition is oftenbrcharacterized by severe cramps that typically occur at the same time as abrmenstrual cycle. These cramps will often radiate to the legs and the lowerbrback. Treatment typically includes medication, but in some instances abrminimally invasive surgical procedure may be needed to address the problem. Ifbrthe problem is particularly severe, a hysterectomy may be necessary.
Pelvic Floor Tension Myalgia
Pelvic floor tension myalgiabris a fairly common cause of pelvic pain in women, and can result from bothbrphysical and emotional issues. For instance, a difficult childbirth can lead tobrthe condition, as well as stress that causes tension in the muscles of thebrpelvic floor. These muscles provide support to the organs in the pelvic region.brSymptoms include feelings of achiness or heaviness in the pelvis, or pain,britching and burning in the vagina.
One of the most effectivebrtreatments for this problem is physical therapy, including stretching and strengtheningbrof the core muscles to help prevent spasms. In addition, medications may bebrrecommended to help relieve pain.
Researchers believe cystitisbris caused by a breakdown of cells on the bladder's surface that help protect itbrfrom acidity. It often leads to substantial discomfort; many women say thebrstabbing, burning pain is similar to a severe urinary tract infection (UTI).brYour doctor will perform a thorough examination to rule out other conditionsbrthat could result in the same symptoms. He or she may test your urine, forbrexample, to rule out a UTI, and may take a biopsy to eliminate cancer as abrpossibility. There are medications available to coat the bladder surface tobrbring relief, but they can take up to 6-9 months to be completely effective.
If you would like to learn more from doctors nearbrSouthlake about the common causes of pelvic pain in women, call E-Care Emergency Centers at 817-281-7277. If you ever needbremergency or urgent care, use this convenient form to check inbronline.
JoshbrPrickett, MD, is currently medical director for North Tarrant location ofbrE-Care Emergency Center in North Richland Hills. Dr. Prickett graduated frombrthe University of Oklahoma Medical School and has been practicing emergencybrcare in Oklahoma, Minnesota and Texas since 1989. He has been married tobrhis wife Carin for 30 years. They have a son Jonathan, a daughter Whitney,brand a son-in-law John. Dr. Prickett and his family are active in their churchbrand love being Southlake residents.