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By Dr. JoshbrPrickett, Medical Director, North Tarrant E-Care EmergencybrCenter
Even those of us who havebrthe best intentions can unwittingly make potentially serious mistakes when itbrcomes to the use of sunscreen. You not only need to apply it before goingbroutside for extended periods of time, you also need to apply it the right waybrin order to avoid a nasty sunburn that may require immediate medical attention. Here are some of the ways people misuse sunscreenbrso you can avoid doing the same thing.
Not Purchasing a New Bottle
Some people are still usingbrthe same bottle of sunscreen they've had on their shelf for the last threebryears. You really should pay attention to the expiration date, because thebringredients deteriorate as time goes on. As a result, the protection providedbrby expired sunscreen will not be as effective. Preservatives deteriorate asbrwell, making it easier for germs to contaminate the bottle. Heat can also breakbrdown sunscreen; this could be a problem if you leave a bottle in your golf bagbror beach bag, and you leave that bag in your car.
Relying on the SPF in Makeup
Far too many ladies believebrthat the sunscreen protection found in their makeup will provide sufficientbrprotection against the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. While it may soundbrlike a good idea, reality is a different matter entirely. One of the mainbrproblems with this assumption is that the amount of makeup used by most women isbrsimply not enough to provide protection. Makeup will also wear off during thebrday. But if you use moisturizer with built-in SPF protection and you re-applybrregularly, then you should be okay
Not Using Enough
A little dab of sunscreenbrwill not be enough to get the protection you need – especially if you'rebrplanning to be on the golf course, by the pool or on the beach for severalbrhours. You might not want to put a lot of goop all over your skin, but you needbrto apply enough to provide even coverage. If you have any doubts you haven'tbrput on the right amount, slap on some more. Most experts agree that there is nobrsuch thing as applying too much sunscreen.
Not Re-Applying After Being in the Water
Sunscreen will typicallybrlast a maximum of about two hours. Swimming and sweating can reduce that timebreven faster. So if you are planning to be outside for a long time, try to makebrit a point to re-apply sunscreen every hour. Also, no sunscreen is waterproof –brin fact, the FDA no longer allows sunscreen manufacturers to use the word in their marketing.
If you would like to learn more from doctors nearbrSouthlake about the proper use of sunscreen, call E-Care Emergency Centers at 817-281-7277. If you ever need emergency or urgent care, use thisbrconvenient form to check inbronline.
JoshbrPrickett, MD, is currently medical director for North Tarrant location ofbrE-Care Emergency Center in North Richland Hills. Dr. Prickett graduated frombrthe University of Oklahoma Medical School and has been practicing emergencybrcare in Oklahoma, Minnesota and Texas since 1989. He has been married tobrhis wife Carin for 30 years. They have a son Jonathan, a daughter Whitney,brand a son-in-law John. Dr. Prickett and his family are active in their churchbrand love being Southlake residents.