Someone reading this right now has colon cancer, and many ofbryou have pre-cancerous polyps. Statistics say 1 in 19 people will develop it colonbrcancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in both men and women,brbut it is preventable. Why? Because we are a nation of procrastinators, most ofbrwhom have developed a severe case of ostrich syndrome. What is ostrich syndromebryou may ask – it's when we burry our head in the sand and pretend somethingbrdoesn't exist. This article is to the point and bordering blunt because therebris nothing “fluffy” about colon cancer. Keep reading…it may save your life.
Let's talk prevention
Colon cancer is almost 100% preventable. Except for verybrrare cases, almost all colon cancer starts as a polyp. Polyps are pre-cancerousbrpouches along the lining of the colon. These can easily be removed long beforebrthey ever turn cancerous. If everyone was screened for colon cancer, either bybrage 50, earlier if they have a strong family history, or upon symptoms, webrcould change the statistical landscape of colon cancer, taking it from the 2ndbrleading cause of death to an uncommon occurrence.
Colon Cancer Does Not Discriminate
Colon cancer is NOT an old person's problem. As a matter ofbrfact, colon cancer is affecting more and more people under the age of fifty.brSince this age group is less likely to be tested, nearly 30% of those under thebrage of fifty are found with later stage cancer. The late detection is mostlybrdue to lack of routine screening and unreported symptoms. The cause is mostlybrdue to our highly processes and less nutritious diets.
The color of your skin and your nationality will also notbrprotect you. Colon cancer targets people of all ethnic groups. Even if you havebrno family history, you may still be at risk.
For the record, being skinny or fit does not protect youbreither. Colon cancer is found in the underweight, overweight, strong, week,brrich, poor, you name it. Nothing outside of a proper exam can clear you of thisbrterrible diagnosis.
Symptoms Not to Ignore
Many people are diagnosed each year and report no symptoms,brbut there are symptoms that you must never ignore. If you experience any ofbrthese symptoms, talk to your healthcare provider about getting your colonoscopybrscheduled. Do not put it off!
· brRectal Bleeding
· brChange in Bowel Habits (constipation orbrdiarrhea)
· brBloating
· brNausea or Vomiting
· brUnexplained Weight-loss
Types of Colonoscopies
There are two types of colonoscopy: virtual and optical.brBoth require a prep. The virtual colonoscopy is also known as a Colonographybrwith CT reconstruction. A four inch tube is placed in the rectum and the colonbris inflated with carbon dioxide. The CT scanner then takes images of the abdomenbrand pelvic area. The entire procedure takes about fifteen minutes and there isbrno sedation, so you can go back to work or home right after. The physician will later review the imagesbrwhich look at the inside and outside of the colon. Other areas of the pelvisbrcan also be seen.
An optical colonoscopy is done in the hospital or surgerybrcenter under light sedation. A long tube is inserted in the rectum and thenbrtwists and turns through the colon looking for polyps of cancers on the insidebrof the colon. The procedure takes a bit longer and there is also a recoverybrperiod. If you have an optical colonoscopy, be prepared to have someone drivebryou home.
Below are a few pluses and minuses of each:
· brOptical colonoscopy has the risk of sedation andbrwill require an entire day off work.
· brVirtual colonoscopy has some low risk radiationbrfrom the CT Scan.
· brOptical colonoscopy carries a risk ofbrperforation to the colon.
· brVirtual colonoscopy can identify polyps andbrcancer and even precisely mark where they are, but it will take anotherbrprocedure to remove them if found. People with a history of polyps or cancerbrshould have the optical option.
· brVirtual colonoscopy is a great screening toolbrand does not require sedation, allowing for a full immediate recovery from the procedure.
Colonoscopy Preps are Gross
When you have a colonoscopy, either virtual or optical, youbrneed to prep your body. This means getting cleaned out with a prep kit. Usuallybrstarting the process two days in advance. Preps can be different, some requirebrthe use of a suppository and the use of a liquid laxative. Keep in mind thatbryou can do anything for forty-eight hours, but for this one, stay near abrrestroom.
You may not want to talk or read about bowel habits, bloodybrstool, and colonoscopies. My answer to you is, if you think prevention is grossbr– try having colon cancer.
Judy Gaman, BS, MS is part of the team at Executive Medicine of Texas, abrleader in preventative and proactive health. She is the co-author of severalbraward-winning books including Age to Perfection: How to Thrive to 100,brHappy, Healthy, and Wise. Shebris also a co-host of the Staying Young Show,bra nationally syndicated radio show, which is also available as a podcast alongbrwith daily health tips called Staying Young Medical Minutes.