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Dr. Mark Mason is beginning his fourteenth year of private practice in Southlake and is excited to continue providingbrcompassionate care with exceptional results thanks to his loyal team atbrSouthlake Plastic Surgery. Dr. Mason is apart of a growing number of AmericanbrBoard Certified Plastic Surgeons in offering Sientra breast implants as anbroption for breast enhancement surgery. brDr. Mason chooses to use Sientra cohesive silicone gel implants becausebr“research shows that there is a statistically significant difference in thebrrate of capsular contracture (the most common adverse event for breast implantbrsurgery) in primary breast augmentation procedures when using Sientrabrimplants.” Sientra currently offers the CapCon program, which covers the costbrof the implant(s) if a patient experiences capsular contracture within thebrfirst two years of a primary breast augmentation surgery. This is the firstbrtime any implant company has offered this type of program for cosmeticbrpatients.
“Anything we can do to minimizebrrisks in surgery is what our team strives to do for our patients. Using Sientrabrimplants is a proven way to help our breast augmentation patients. Sientrabrimplants are only available to board-certified plastic surgeons.
Also new to the practice this yearbris the availability of Forever Bare BBL laser hair removal and Forever YoungbrBBL phototherapy treatments administered by the Medical Aesthetician.
Southlake Plastic Surgery is thebrfirst practice in Texas to offer Forever Bare BBL laser hair removal. It is thebrnewest and safest way to remove unwanted hair, “ says Dr. Mason.
He continues, “Our patients arebrsurprised by how much more comfortable and easier laser hair removal isbrcompared to the older machines in the past.”
Forever Young BBL phototherapybrtreatments are available to treat the signs of aging such as dark spots, unevenbrskin tone, fine wrinkles, and redness. Forever Young BBL treatments are provenbrby Stanford researchers to alter the DNA structure of skin cells, so that thebraging process is greatly delayed.
“We want to be able to offer the mostbreffective yet scientifically based surgical and non-surgical options to ourbrpatients,” states Dr. Mason.
Both new and returning patientsbrappreciate the range of services and particularly the care they receive by hisbrexperienced staff.
In the words of a former patient,br“Their standard of hospitality and compassion is truly immeasurable and shouldbrbe commended.”
Forever Bare BBL
Forever Young BBL phototherapy
Southlake Plastic Surgery specializes in a wide variety of procedures from breast augmentations and liposuction to microdermabrasion and facelifts. Dr. Mark E. Mason, the founder of Southlake Plastic Surgery, is a board- certified, Stanford-trained plastic surgeon with years of experience performing cosmetic procedures. Our dedicated staff will work closely with you to help achieve your desired results. We are here for you every step of the way. Learn more about Dr. Mason and our professional staff at Southlake Plastic Surgery.