Exercise can help strengthenbrthe core to combat a prevalent problem: back pain
Back pain can be a terrible culpritbrthat disrupts patients’ lives. And that twinge in the lower back when pickingbrup groceries or the grandkids is increasingly more common among aging babybrboomers.
The NationalbrInstitute of Health reports that 70 to 85 percent of us will experience backbrpain at some time in our lives, and anyone who has ever felt such discomfortbrknows what a dramatic impact it can have on daily activity.
Because of thebrprevalence of back pain and the often unforeseen timing of its onset, questionsbrabout back and spine health should be part of every physical exam and patientbrhistory.
Luckily,brphysicians are in a unique position to help patients take up some preventivebrmeasures exercises, such as cycling, elliptical training, swimming and learningbryoga and Pilates, to ward off back pain before it starts.
Back Pain Etiology
Back pain,brcomplex by nature, can indicate a number of other patient conditions. Forbrexample, back pain can point to underlying issues, such as osteoporosis,brarthritis, a herniated disc or even a kidney stone. While each of thesebrconditions requires various treatments, sometimes back pain is solely just backbrpain. Many times, the two most prevalentbrcauses of back pain are core deconditioning and myofascial pain.
Aging Process
Most commonly,brbaby boomers suffer from varying degrees of back pain as core deconditioningbrsets in. The deterioration of back and core muscles can leave the spine andbrback susceptible to strain and injury and can result in reduced support for thebrspine.
As the bodybrages, keeping up back and core body strength takes work, but the benefit is anbroverall improvement in wellness. Let's not forget that exercise can lead tobrweight loss, which can also alleviate back pain in some overweight patients.
For generalbrwellness, individuals should exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, threebrtimes a week. Certain exercises are ideal for strengthening the core, thereby reducingbrthe risk of back pain. These exercises all share low-impact characteristics.
• Cycling. Cycling is a relativelybrnonweight-bearing exercise. It also engages some of the largest muscles in thebrbody. Adopting a cycling routine canbrhelp build muscle mass and improve balance, both of which can help individualsbrprevent back injury in the future. To ensure that patients reap the benefits ofbrthe time spent cycling, physicians can do more than tell them to get out andbrride the roads; they should also stress getting the right fit.
Normally, abrlocal bike shop can offer a personalized evaluation to ensure the bike isbradjusted for each person. If a bike is the wrong size, patients could end upbrincreasing their risks for back pain instead of decreasing those riskbrfactors.
A stationarybrbike also can provide patients with similar benefits that a traditional bikebroffers, but may be a safer option.
• Swimming. Swimming is also a phenomenal exercise for patients who arebrlooking to prevent or recover from back pain. This aerobic exercise is joint-friendlybrand can help a patient build muscle without strain as it does not place weightbron the back.
Encourage yourbrpatients to pick the strokes that he or she would like to perform carefully ifbrswimming is part of a physical therapy routine. For example, if a patient isbrexperiencing pain in the cervical (upper) spine, he would not want to do abrfreestyle stroke that requires turning the head quickly from side to side. Additionally,brwater aerobics is a very low impact cardiovascular work out that can strengthenbrmuscles and endurance.
• Elliptical work. If jumping into thebrdeep end doesn’t appeal to a patient, elliptical work can also provide benefitbrfor patients with low back pain. These machines have cropped in gyms across thebrcountry during the last few years, and many patients may decide to purchase anbrelliptical for their home gym as well.
Unlike runningbron a treadmill, walking or running with an elliptical machine does not causebrharmful pressure to joints, thus it delivers a good cardiovascular workout thatbris low impact while still helping to build important muscle mass.
Ellipticalbrmachines also use a passive motion, stopping when the individual stops, whichbrcan be safer than a treadmill when it comes to the safety of one’s joints. Forbrall exercises, it is imperative to maintain correct form. For example, stressbrthat patients should be in an upright posture on the elliptical machine andbravoid stooping over, particularly when fatigue begins.
• Classes.
Perhaps the place that a patient will hear most about core bodybrstrength is in yoga and Pilates classes. brYoga courses focus on stretching, breathing exercises, musclebrcontractions, balance exercises and meditation. brPilates classes specifically focus on the lower back and abdomen andbr“centering” and controlling the body. brThe strength and flexibility training each of these disciplines offerbrcan be incredibly beneficial to patients looking to prevent back pain as theybrfocus on building core strength and increasing flexibility.
The otherbrongoing benefit of these types of programs is that they make a patientbrincreasingly aware of his/her posture. brNot all yoga and Pilates classes are the same though. If a patient seems interested in pursuingbrthis option for physical exercise, then recommend that he or she first has abrdiscussion with the instructor.
Letting thebrinstructor know about any limitations, preexisting conditions, and motivationsbrfor taking the class can help him or her recommend a pace and/or modificationsbrthat should be considered to certain movements.
In addition, abrpatient who has a yoga mat handy can also perform basic abdominal strengtheningbrexercises in the comfort of his or her own home. Crunches, heel slides, legbrraises, leg lifts and abdominal contractions can all contribute to strongerbrcore muscles and a more protected spine.
• Strength training. Obviously, low-impactbrexercises offer a great way to bolster the back. However, premenopausal womenbrespecially need to consider some type of weight-bearing exercise to preventbrosteoporosis. Men should also keep this in mind as well because osteoporosis inbrmen is becoming increasingly prevalent.
Working withbrdumbbells, cable or weight machines can increase muscle and bone strength,brwhich becomes more important for women as they age. This exercise, in additionbrto taking calcium, has especially benefited this patient demographic.
Occupational Hazards
As back painbrdominates many patients’ lives, we have to be vigilant in preventionbrefforts--especially if daily life exposes patients to certain riskbrfactors.
Certainbroccupations can naturally exposed patients to higher risk factors; any job thatbrentails excessive sitting, standing, or manual labor can lead to an increasedbrlikelihood of back pain. For example, ifbryour patient is a call center representative, he or she may be required to sitbrat his or her desk for a long, regimented length of time.
You canbrrecommend standing up at least once an hour and discuss the components of anbrergonomically friendly workstation. Ifbrsitting is absolutely required for long periods of time, you may also want tobrrecommend an exercise ball for the patient to use in lieu of a chair for abrgiven period of time during the day. Sitting on an exercise ball allows thebrspine to move and allows the core muscles to stabilize the spine. And, exercise balls encourage goodbrposture. A number of exercises, bothbrtraditional and incorporating an exercise ball, can ease back pain.
If the patientbris a teacher who is on his/her feet all day or a construction worker who liftsbrheavy objects regularly, posture is also an important topic to discuss. More importantly, a physician needs tobrdiscuss body mechanics with these patients, like lifting techniques for patientsbrperforming manual labor. Likewise, good cardiovascular conditioning can givebrpatients in these professions the needed endurance and muscle strength to avoidbrback pain when performing their everyday duties.
Core Conditioning
Each physician shouldbrbe able to go over the basics of a core conditioning regimen for patients with somebrtype of back pain or who have a history of back pain. However, if a patient hasbrlow back pain symptoms, physicians should refer to a spine specialist beforebrembarking on a new program. A specialist is best qualified to diagnose the painbrand can further discuss the best types of exercise for a patient to try. Thisbrwill ensure that the exercise recommended will not exacerbate or cause anybrdiscomfort.
While limitedbrbed rest can certainly provide short-term relief to back pain, abstaining frombrnormal activity for too long causes more harm than benefit. We hardly everbrrecommend extended bed rest because back muscle and cardiovascular conditioningbrare keys to the healing process.
Even if it’s toobrlate to prevent back pain, exercise can ease or alleviate back pain. Most typesbrof back pain markedly improve with physical therapy exercises. Individualizedbrexercise regimens can help manage symptoms and allow patients to return tobrdaily life. And, sometimes, starting off a routine with a physical therapist isbrjust the push a patient needs to stick with the program.
Certainly, somebrtypes of exercises will prove more benefit than others, but physicians shouldbrstress exercising in whatever way makes patients feel most comfortable. Any one of the above exercises releases the naturalbrpainkillers endorphins that can help patients overcome even minor back sorenessbrand stiffness. Thus, stress this to patients, especially those in high-riskbroccupations, that we can improve back pain by incorporating a more activebrapproach.
Best Exercises to Prevent Back Pain
· brWalking
· brCycling
· brSwimming
· brElliptical Machine
· brYoga
· brPilates
· brWeight Training (as recommended by a physicalbrtherapist or physician)
About SpinebrTeam Texas
SpinebrTeam Texas specializes in the treatment of back and neck problems ranging frombrsimple back or neck strains to the most complex spine surgeries. Through itsbrin-depth knowledge and true team approach, Spine Team Texas is dedicated tobrtreating patients conservatively through education, physical therapy,brnon-surgical treatments, and minimally invasive spine surgery when necessary.brThe philosophy of Spine Team Texas is to treat with an emphasis on non-surgicalbrtreatment whenever possible and consider surgical intervention only as a lastbrresort when non-surgical measures have failed to provide long-term relief. The team consists of physical medicine andbrrehabilitation physicians, specializing in non-surgical spine care; spinebrsurgeons trained in the latest minimally invasive spine surgery techniques; spinebrpain anesthesiologists focused on chronic spine pain; spine-focused physicalbrtherapists and on-site registered nurses. Established in December 2004, SpinebrTeam Texas is headquartered in Southlake, Texas, and opened a full-spectrumbrsister facility in Rockwall, Texas, in March 2009. Other locations include Bedford,brFort Worth-Alliance, and North Dallas-Richardson. In 2012, Spine Team Texas built two,brfree-standing, joint venture ambulatorybrsurgery centers (in Southlake and Rockwall). brWithbrapproximately 175 employees, Spine Team Texas has received numerous awards suchbras ‘Best Places to Work’ & “Healthcare Heroes-Physician Award by DallasbrBusiness Journal, “Top Docs” in Fort Worth, Texas magazine, U.S. News &brWorld Report “Top Docs” in neurosurgery, “Top Docs” in neurosurgery &brphysical medicine and rehabilitation by Castle-Connelly, D Magazine “Best Docs”brin orthopedic surgery and physical medicine and rehabilitation, Becker’s SpinebrReview “Top 105 Spine Surgery Practices to Know” & “Spine Leadership Award”brin 2013. Forbrmore information about Spine Team Texas, visit www.SpineTeamTexas.com. Follow/”Like” thembrTwitter, YouTube and on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/spineteamtexas.br