How the surrounding cities are one big family
During Southlake's May Executive Forum, attendees got abrchance to hear updates on what is happening in their cities from five mayors.
Mayors John Terrell – Southlake, Laura Wheat – Westlake,brDavid Kelly – Colleyville, Connie White – Trophy Club and Pat McGrail – Kellerbrall took to a panel to discuss updates within each city, mainly focusing onbrdevelopments.
Mayor Terrell discussed the rapid commercial developments and retailers poppingbrup throughout the city, including ParkbrVillage, Kimball Oaks and Trader Joe's.
The developer Richmond Group plans to open up Kimball Oaksbrin the fall and will remove the wall that sits along the intersection.
Additionally, commercial development is currently rulingbrColleyville, emphasized Mayor Kelly.
The city recently announced a well of new dining andbrshopping options, including WholebrFoods Market and a new shopping center known as “ColleyvillebrDowns.”
Keller Mayor McGrail explained that the city is also in thebrmiddle of major commercial developments, including new tenants occupying KellerbrTown Center.
For instance, the grand opening of Legacy Studios, ChampionbrKick and Chick-fil-A recently took place.
Additionally, Southlake's iconic local eatery FeedstorebrBBQ may be expanding to Keller after being offered and economic incentivebrpackage.
Westlake Mayor Laura Wheat highlighted the stellarbraccomplishments of Westlake Academy, including the Boys Varsity Baseball team winningbrstate and the graduating senior class earning $4 million in scholarships.
However, the biggest news currently surrounding the town ofbrWestlake is the creation of Westlake Entrada, which will feature a 3,500-seatbrperformance hall, three hotels and more than 100 townhomes and villas tobraccompany retail, restaurants and office space.
Trophy Club also praised their city's youth, who recentlybrearned various Citizen of the Year awards, and are also receiving honors forbrtheir performance in the arts and culinary skills, according to Mayor White.
Overall, the consensus between all the mayors wasbremphasizing that each city works together and has — inevitably — become abrfamily. As a result, all of them truly believe there is no better place to live than Northeast TarrantbrCounty.
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